Hairstylists - A NEW Opportunity awaits you for creating a new business model.

Hairstylists - good day to you! 

Our industry leads the way with teaching us about two ways to make money - and it starts out with Cosmetology School and is reinforced as you attend Trade Shows:

  1. If your clients hair is straight - perm it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is curly - straighten it to make money. 

From this you can 'sell' products and heat tools to 'help' them at home to recreate your work. 

From here we learn other options as we progress in our career to fill our schedule in the salon and make a paycheck:

  1. If your clients hair is dark - lighten it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is grey (of what we call Silver) - add color to make money. 

Some of these are options that a client wants and desires. 

But NOT every time. 

And these options are expanding outside of traditional trade shows, cosmetology school and in salon trainings. 

Beyond the limits of this antiquated business model are new opportunities that are not...

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Learning about Self Care through Wavy & Curly Hair.

Good day everyone.

Just a note for you on what we are learning about taking care of yourself that goes along with caring for your wavy/curly hair. 

Self Care is so important. 

It is part of my own personal vocabulary to understand myself better as 'self care' was not really on my radar. Over time it just faded away and I was wondering why I wanted to check out or even just give up at times.

Maybe you can relate - or if you are on a path of self care now then reply back with how you are caring for yourself with tips that can be used in another blog for helping others in the near future. 

As a curly hair specialist - or as other people in service industries do with always putting other people above themselves - can lead to burn out or a sense of not caring anymore - it's so important to learn to step back and learn to find things to renew yourself so that you remain passionate to continue - not just for others- but for an invigorating LIFE. 

I learned to time block...

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Curly Hair Artistry - What Makes Us Unique?

One thing I have noticed in our industry that is different and determines the success of your business is not being considered much and that is the power and voice of your client. 

For people with wavy/curly hair - the 'consumer' - the 'client' - is over-riding our industry with knowing how to work with their hair. Yup - read that one again. 

There are so many communities, website forums, Facebook groups/pages, Instagram influencers and local meet ups that have been created and perfected based on one thing: LACK OF SERVICE & HELP FOR WHAT THEY DESIRE. 

Lack of service to help and serve them has driven the desire for help and shifted this from hairstylist/salon to EACH OTHER. 

Let me explain a bit - I noticed that I was learning EVERYDAY a lot of great tips from my clients that sat in my chair. I noticed that other stylists - that did this as well - had a deep passion for serving and assisting others that was different than brand based knowledge or from the...

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